Benefits and Features
Fixed Repayment Option Benefits With the Smart Option Student Loan Fixed Repayment Option, paying a little while in school could save you a lot. You can save over 20% throughout the life of the loan by making the required, monthly fixed $25 payments while in school and adhering to the shorter repayment period after school. The Fixed Repayment Option is a great choice, allowing you to stick to a budget while in school. Plus, you can save more than $6,000 and repay your loan an average of 5 years earlier compared to a traditional 15-year payment deferred private student loan. Interest Repayment Option Benefits With the Smart Option Student Loan Interest Repayment Option the more you pay, the more you save. You could save over 30% throughout the life of the loan by making required, monthly full-interest payments while in school and adhering to the shorter repayment period after school. With the Interest Repayment Option, you can repay your loan an average of 8 years sooner and you can save more than $8,000 compared to a traditional 15-year payment deferred private student loan.